Shin Ultraman Intro is Online [Spoilers]

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-27-2022 10:57 PMAs promised in the Shin Ultraman Box Office Thread, the first 1:17 of the film has been released online by Tsuburaya and Toho. The film has reached 1.5 million in attendance in only 14 days. The footage was released online in celebration of the benchmark.
The intro is only up for 48 hours and as of this post, only about 24 hours remain. So make sure you watch it while you can. (And if you're like me, you'll download it.):
The intro is essentially a recap of Ultra Q with updated special effects and designs. Specifically, kaiju that debuted in Ultra Q (and went on to appear in much later Ultraman series) are seen in similar settings/scenarios to their debut episodes.
The kaiju seen in this intro from Ultra Q are as follows. In order of appearance: Gomess, Mammoth Flower, Peguila (a favorite of mine), Larugeus, Kaigel and Pagos.
Many fans will note the fact that the Shin Godzilla CG model was updated to bring Gomess to life. This is on purpose as a tribute to the 1964, MosuGoji design being updated to bring Gomess to life in 1965:
A similar shot that was used for Shin Godzilla was used in Shin Ultraman as an homage to the former movie as well:
The fact that the intro is basically an homage to Ultra Q is a great touch and a wonderful way to introduce audiences into the Ultra world without having to make a "Shin Ultra Q" movie. (Though admittedly... I now want one...)
The intro won't be up long, so take a look at it while it's up. Meanwhile, the movie is expected to hit $21+ million this weekend at the Japanese box office at which it will become Japan's #10 highest grossing film of the year.

MemberGiganMay-28-2022 11:28 PMDownloaded it
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaMay-29-2022 8:40 AMYup. The video has been removed--Unless you know where to look.

MemberGiganMay-29-2022 10:24 AMInterestingly wikizilla didnt archive it. They just posted the OG video. Im not sure if they have done anyting yet.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst