Godzilla Movie

Warner Bros. unveil official Godzilla: King of the Monsters concept art!

Scified2019-05-15 08:52:19https://www.scified.com/articles/warner-bros-official-godzilla-king-the-monsters-concept-art-17.jpg
Written by Chris21,925 Reads11 Comments2019-05-15 08:52:19

Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters Production Designer Scott Chambliss recently had a chat with Forbes about his work redesigning the classic Toho monsters for the Mike Dougherty sequel. He goes into detail about the care taken to retain each Monster's iconic qualities and what fans can look forward to when the film hits theaters this month! To top off the interview, Warner Brothers divulged a bunch of official concept art from the film, which you can see below! Click here to view all the concept art in full size.

Obviously, it’s the big scale of the monsters and then our present day comparatively tiny scale of our daily lives. And because we made the clear decision right off the bat that this is set in real time and the real world, everything about it, even the most improbable of our settings like the inner mountain underwater headquarters, had to have a level of believability and detail and up-to-the-moment quality that we would recognize as being authentic. With that sort of human scale grounding, we hope that it allowed for grander scale play of the monster fighting and just being in a picture to feel more awesome.

You can read the full interview over on Forbes!

Check out more of the concept art here:

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MemberRodanMay-15-2019 9:33 AM




MemberTitanosaurusMay-15-2019 10:49 AM

Awesome, but why are all the images kinda fuzzy?

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonMay-15-2019 10:58 AM

It looks awesome, but I am still bothered by "Rodan the Giant Condor". Still glad they decided to not go that route, but they should've had the latter mindset sooner.


MemberRodanMay-15-2019 11:08 AM

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

Me too

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMay-15-2019 11:24 AM

Wish they had given King Ghidorah his mane back.

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju),
They may have been referencing Rodan's original design for the 1956 film:

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMay-15-2019 11:27 AM

^I should clarify: That was an early concept for Rodan. Obviously not the final design for the original film. Although this early design did make it to the poster:


MemberBaragonMay-15-2019 10:35 PM

MothraZillaKaiju7: To be honest, the traditional Rodan is pretty far from a strict pteranodan in terms of accurate biological shape, if you are strict about these things. 


MemberBaragonMay-15-2019 10:36 PM

The paintings has a surreal yet very detailed and jaw-dropping style.

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonMay-16-2019 10:36 AM

Alrighty then. I'm here. And I want to clarify: When I said I was annoyed by Rodan with feathers, I was saying that it reminded me too much of this guy: 

That was all I wanted to say. You're welcome, everyone. And btw, I know Rodan had feathers in his design as an early concept (both in the original and here), but this version's early concept reminded me more of the giant condor than the original's early concept design. At least that one looked reasonable.

G. H. (Gman)

AdminGodzillaMay-16-2019 3:12 PM

^Ironically, a modified Rodan prop from prior films.

MDK 2 (MinecraftDinoKaiju)

MemberBaragonMay-18-2019 10:07 AM

G. H. (Gman) Yeah, but it still looks ugly. Same with the early concept design for the new Rodan.

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